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线程等待获取内部锁的时候,是一种不可立即中断状态,即线程不会立即响应中断而是会继续等待,这种无义无反顾的等待可能会造成资源浪费或者死锁等问题,后果非常严重。新Lock锁提供了等待锁资源时可立即响应中断的lockInterruptibly()方法和tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit)方法及其实现,当使用这两个方法去请求锁时,如果主通过Thread.interrupt()对它们发起中断,那么它们会立即响应中断,不再继续等待获取锁,这让主线程(管理调度线程)在特殊情况下可以使用生杀大权,以避免系统陷于死锁状态或者避免资源严重浪费。
tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit)是加强版的tryLock(),又具有lockInterruptibly()的可被中断特性,既可任其超时主动退出又可中断让其被动退出,很多场合可以使用,但如果想让线程只有当被动中断时才退出,那么就使用lockInterruptibly()方法。
内部锁(synchronized) 优先响应锁获取再响应中断
Lock.lock() 优先响应锁获取再响应中断
Lock.tryLock() 判断锁的状态不可用后马上返回不等待
tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit) 优先响应中断再响应锁获取
Lock.lockInterruptibly() 优先响应中断再响应锁获取
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | Thread- 0 : try to get lock in f(). Thread- 1 : try to get lock in f(). Thread- 1 : get the lock. Thread- 3 : try to get lock in fWithLock(). Thread- 1 :already marked as interrupted but still running. Thread- 3 : get the lock. Thread- 3 :already marked as interrupted but still running. Thread- 7 : try to get lock in fWithLockInterruptibly(). Thread- 2 : try to get lock in fWithLock(). Thread- 1 :interrupted. Thread- 7 :interrupted. Thread- 3 :interrupted. Thread- 3 :release the lock. Thread- 2 : get the lock. Thread- 2 :already marked as interrupted but still running. Thread- 2 :interrupted. Thread- 2 :release the lock. Thread- 4 : try to get lock in fWithTryLock(). Thread- 4 :interrupted. Thread- 0 : get the lock. Thread- 0 :already marked as interrupted but still running. Thread- 0 :interrupted. Thread- 5 : try to get lock in fWithTryLock(). Thread- 5 :interrupted. Thread- 6 : try to get lock in fWithLockInterruptibly(). Thread- 6 :interrupted. |